Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah Palin scares the crap out of me!

This is not a political statement; it is a feminist statement. I will say it again: Sarah Palin scares the crap out of me. I believe that she has one of those personas, that you either love her or hate her. I repeat - she just scares me. She scares me because she is put upon us as a role model for women.

Let's move the politics aside for a moment; although, I admit, it is very difficult for me to do. Palin is a strong, beautiful woman; now she needs to be quiet. When I point to role models for young women she is no where to be found on my list.

She claims to be promoting women; promoting the power of women; telling her story of making choices and being "maverick-y". Why does she then frequently portray herself as a victim? Listen to her accounts of the 2008 campaign. She takes no responsibility for contributing to adverse public opinion or mistakes she made. It is always someone else who put her in the position. Palin "let" the Republicans treat her like a puppet and promote an agenda of pseudo-equality. She is forever the "beauty queen" who fails the questioning category.

Palin blames "bad campaign management" for her interview with Katie Coric. Excuse me, was it such a stretch for her to actually name a newspaper she read; not even the Wasilla Gazette came out of her mouth. Actually, based on that hemming and hawing I am even surprised that she knew who Katie Coric was. If you listen to her, Palin believes her only mistake was to let others manage her. A truly strong woman isn't "managed".

She is a master manipulator. The media has promoted her to celebrity status; she blasts the media and how "they treat her" and there she is - on a media blitz. Smiling and winking her way to front page coverage.

Palin criticizes everything (except "huntin' and fishin' and hockey moms") but offers no suggestions for solutions. "Drill baby drill" is not a solution.

She was put on the Republican ticket in 2008 because she was a woman. I feel, as a woman, that she threw us under the bus. In this era, women need leadership to support issues pertaining to our bodies, our livelihood and our children. Pseudo-equality just isn't good enough anymore.

Palin quit her job as governor; not to find other outlets to serve her community, state or country, but to write (ghost) a book to serve her bank account. That's fine Sarah, but just admit it. Don't pretend that your book will have any earth shattering impact on the world as we know it.

I want women leaders who are accountable and take responsibility and admit to their mistakes. I want women leaders who won't buckle in the face of adversity. I want women leaders who don't whine and point fingers at others. I want women leaders who embrace their children and at the same time hold the hand of the rape victim during her abortion. I want women leaders who can be regarded beautiful because of their intelligence and creativity. You betcha, I want a lot.

Palin scares me because she is being lauded as a female role model. Not on my list.


  1. To be honest with you, I don't like young people as presidents and vice presidents. It's not good for America , and not good for the world. Having said that, I think Sara Palin is not worse than the young trio:Clinton, Bush, Obama; She's just more beautiful physically. You shouldn't be scared by physical beauty, you should be scared by the recent terrorist islamic attack that occurred in Texas.

    As for the book, I don't believe she wrote it with money as the main goal. She was grossly and very unfairly criticized by the Press and opponents during the election campaign ( campaign which by the way I consider it a display of intellect lower than the Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on earth). Why should she overlook all this; she's a fighter and I like this in a woman.

  2. Duta. . .it is always interesting to hear the opinion of people abroad. Some people like her and some people don't. I don't particularly care for her. .I'm not really "scared" of her. ..I'm annoyed by the example she sets. . .thanks for commenting.
