Tuesday, November 3, 2009

California Gang Rape - Prosecute the Witnesses Too!

Every time I hear about this story I get sick to my stomach and my eyes begin to water. How does this happen?

Last week, a 15-year-old girl was brutally raped outside her homecoming dance. Richmond, California police believe as many as 20 people may have watched or participated in the vicious rape that lasted for more than two hours in a dimly lit corner of the high school campus. Watched; for two hours and took photos on their cell phones. The young woman, was repeatedly raped and beaten and her injuries were so severe that she had to be sent to the hospital in a helicopter. No one even called the police.

As of today, only seven suspects have been arrested in the "alleged" gang rape. I hate that word "alleged". It is not alleged; the young woman is hospitalized and traumatized. When she was found, after her father had repeatedly tried to contact her on her cell, she was semi-conscious and curled up under a lunch table on the grounds of the school.

Twenty witnesses and participants! Was this some sort of "mob behavior"? Not one of these young adults had the sense, or compassion, to see the atrocity of this event? Not one, had the courage to try to stop it or just call 911? No, they had their phones and began snapping photographs. Contra County prosecutors indicated that it would be "unlikely" that the witnesses would be charged with any crime unless they participated in the assault.

The high school administration is back stepping their responsibility of providing a "safe environment" for the students. They insist they did a sweep of the grounds following the dance; but admit that this particular corner of the campus was not searched. They commented that the dance itself was not marred by incident; a spokesman was quoted as saying, "the dance itself was a success in terms of safety." "This rape is an isolated incident". Isolated? Is this suppose to make the other parents and students feel better. It's a horrible incident.

The act of rape, alone, is tragic and will have lasting impact on this young woman. Being beaten will leave scars physically and emotionally. Being watched and not helped for nearly two and half hours? Will this young woman, and the community, ever feel safe and secure again?

We, as a culture, believe that if something "bad" happens, the cavalry will come and rescue us. The "cavalry" stood and watched. The nightmare of hearing the jeering crowd, smelling the alcohol and sweat of her attackers, hearing her own voice plead for it to stop, praying to God to rescue her. . .how can this poor girl not be haunted?

I pray for her physical recovery. I pray she will find a way to reconcile and forgive. I don't know if I could.


  1. I find this hard to grasp and I ache at the thought of it.

  2. It reminds me that I once told a neighbor who likes to do certain things at night (such as carrying the trash bag to the collection point or emptying his mail box at the post office) - that someone might attack him and nobody will see or hear anything. To this he laughed saying confidently that if someone was to attack him in the middle of the day, nobody would raise a finger to come to his rescue. Sad.

  3. This 15 year old woman will truly be traumatized for the rest of her life. How can she ever trust anyone ever again? How can she feel free to love anyone after an attack like that? How will she be able to ever have a "normal" life? How will she ever be able to be married or even have any kind of "loving" relationship with intimacy issues that relate to abuse and brutality? Answer...all the therapy in the world will never make this right. Sad to say even rounding them up and sending them to jail will not produce relief for this child. My heart really hurts for her.

  4. This just goes to show how hard peoples hearts are today. How can NOT one of those watching make that 911 call. May justice prevail.
