For the longest time I have noticed that one of my neighbors had a consistent growth of white mushrooms. Then I started to notice that a few other neighbors had mushrooms sprouting on their lawns. On this very rainy day I'm amazed to see the mushroom population soaring. If there on mushrooms on the lawn, are there fairies in the garden?
The mythical images of mushrooms as the shelter for fairies and gnomes and other garden creatures has always served me well as a magical truth. Mushrooms are mystical as well. . .mythical, magical and mystical.
Reality steps in when we realize that a mushroom is nothing more than the "flower" or "fruit" of an underground fungus. Once it emerges from the ground, spores are released from the gills of the mushroom. The spores are scattered by the wind and are forever present in our landscape. Photo credit: Digital Artist - Anna Ignatieva
Lawn mushrooms are commonly found in "Fairy Rings". That sounds so lovely. And then I realize what causes these fairy rings: old mulch and grass clippings, animal waste and rotting tree stumps. Not so magical anymore.
Some lawn care experts suggest there may also be a drainage problem for the lawn. That makes sense for my neighborhood considering we're on rolling hills and surrounded by a golf course. The manure thing bothers me a bit. How much manure has to be deposited to make mushrooms? I really rather think that it's fairy droppings. I know, too much information.
There are a number of recommendations to rid your yard of fairy rings and lawn mushrooms. Most of them include the use of a fungicide. I am not sure I want to add fungicide to the mix of manure and rotting tree stumps. Such a dilemma.
I have two great suggestions as strategies to combat the mushroom population:
Strategy number one: "I'm growing them on purpose." They provide shelter and comfort to the community of magical creatures tending my garden.
Strategy number two" "What mushrooms?"
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